Here are bits and pieces of my muse and ponderings dug up from many years of spiralbound notebook writing and then transcribed to the web. Basically what I did was re-format some writings into this website which started taking place in early April of 2001. Most of what is here was completed in the autumn of 2002. None of this was really intended for other eyes to see. If you've been here before, please refresh/reload your browser for any changes. I get busy in here sometimes.
Of course there is much more here on this site than just my scribbling of ideas so take your time and enjoy. There's a lot to see and I wouldn't want you to miss anything.
n e x u s: a connection, tie, or link
between individuals of a group.
syn BOND: a uniting or binding element or force.
ALL of the material on the webpages listed under My Webpages on this Blue page are my OWN
except for the text 'quotes' that have their authorship or related source shown.
Feel free to CONTACT ME if you have any questions concerning the material on this site
or to pass on some kudos :)